Technosol Ltd.

Tank cleaning using HydrobreakÒ


HydrobreakÒ is particularly suitable for use in tank cleaning situations where there is hydrocarbon contamination, as it will not only clean the tank surface but also prevent the hydrocarbons reforming and will also enable the hydrocarbons to be broken down into environmentally acceptable waste.

In order to achieve the maximum efficiency from using HydrobreakÒ the following steps should be adhered to. 

1.     Always ensure that the tank is gas free before commencing work.

2.     When cleaning the tank always use a steam cleaner if possible.

3.     The use of temperature and agitation will aid in the cleaning process and also aid in the degradation process by introducing oxygen.

4.     Use a water temperature higher than the melting point of the hydrocarbon to be removed.

5.     Always start cleaning the tank from the top and work downwards towards the bottom of the tank.

6.     For heavily contaminated surfaces a higher concentration of HydrobreakÒ will be required.

7.     All resultant wastewater should be disposed of in accordance with local environmental regulations.

8.     In order to achieve hydrocarbon break down prior to discharge the wastewater should be placed in a secondary aerated tank and aerated until the hydrocarbon levels reduce with the action of HydrobreakÒ to a suitable discharge level.

9.     An ambient temperature of 25oC in the aeration tank will speed up the degradation process.

10.  A TPH (total petroleum hydrocarbon) reading should be taken prior to discharge.

If the TPH levels remain high the solution should be left for a longer period of time, the addition of hydrocarbon degrading bacteria can also help the degradation process.

Technosol Ltd.
Phone: +37 251 61 403
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