Technosol Ltd.
Simple methodology for soil remediation using Hydrobreak ®


It is now possible using modern technology and products to remove certain contaminants from soil and land using simple in-situ techniques. Every situation is different but below are details of a simple process which will lead to a very substantial reduction in TPH (total petroleum hydrocarbon) levels from contaminated land.

Hydrobreak ® has been designed to break down hydrocarbons into innocuous components with no resultant damage to the environment. It does this with the addition of oxygen and bacteria. The oxygen and bacteria can be found in most situations in sufficient quantities to allow Hydrobreak® to achieve a rapid and substantial breakdown of the TPH to acceptable levels.

The following is a basic method for decontamination of polluted soil. It is important to remember that all decontamination should be carried out to the satisfaction of the relevant authorities, where each authority sets it’s own levels of TPH permissible.

The first requirement is to establish the initial TPH levels and also the scale of the contamination. It is also important to determine the depth of the contamination as this will have a bearing on the application of Hydrobreak ®. If the depth of contamination is greater then 1 metre it is likely that there will be anaerobic conditions (no oxygen present) and therefore the soil will have to be dug up or a mechanical introduction of oxygen will be required. For simple remediation using Hydrobreak it is generally safe to assume that contamination to a depth of 1 metre is treatable using the following method.

1.    Dig over the soil using a rotovator or mechanical digger if possible to break up the soil and introduce oxygen. The soil should be dug over to the full depth of the contamination in order to achieve maximum effectiveness.

2.    A solution of one part HydrobreakÒ Plus or Power diluted with 19 parts of water should be applied by spray, watering can or backpack spray over the contaminated area at the rate of 50 litres of diluted product (2.5 litres concentrate) per cubic metre. This initial dosage will render the Hydrocarbons non-flammable and also break down the hydrocarbon chains into more readily degradable components.

3.    Take a further 2.5 litres of Hydrobreak Plus and again dilute with 19 parts water warm if possible (25oC) to give 50 litres of solution per 1 cubic metre of contaminated soil.

4.    Apply the solution containing the Hydrobreak in the same manner as before to the affected area, then dig over all the treated area once more as before and leave.

5.    After two weeks another TPH reading should be taken. This reading should show a large reduction over the initial levels.

6.    The treated area should be dug over once again at this point and left for a further two weeks. It is important at all times to keep the soil moist during the remediation process. Should there be drying out of the soil it should be watered at this point.

7.    After being left for another two week period (four weeks from first application) a final TPH reading should be taken. Should the TPH levels at this point be above the authority’s recommended guidelines, then steps 1 and 2 should be repeated.

8.    After a further two week period final TPH readings should be taken to ascertain that the desired TPH levels have been achieved.

Important points to note

·      Environmental conditions vary and these can have an effect on the rate of degradation.

·      Hydrobreak will perform at the optimal levels if applied when ambient temperatures are between 15oC and 30oC.

·      A moist environment must be maintained at all times during the remediation process. Watering of the treated area will ensure a moist environment at all times.

·      The remediation process will continue after the desired levels of TPH have been achieved, reducing further the contamination levels of the treated area.

·      The actions of microbial degradation will produce carbon dioxide, water and bacterial cells. The degradation process does not result in dangerous or toxic by products.

·      It may be appropriate for the introduction of small quantities of a simple fertiliser such as NPK (nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous) in order to maintain a good nutrient base for the soil during treatment.

Technosol Ltd.
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