Technosol Ltd.

Your Questions about Hydrobreak® Answered - Part 4

You have only dealt with cleaning and degreasing applications I want to use Hydrobreak in my effluent treatment plant to help reduce my free oil and grease levels. How do I do this?

You are right, we now need to focus on some specific applications such as effluent treatment plants. The first thing to note is that the use of Hydrobreak at the source of contamination will have a positive effect on reducing the free oils and greases passing through the system.

What does this mean?

Well if we use Hydrobreak as the cleaner/degreaser in the factory the waste waters arriving at the effluent plant will have already been pre-treated, with the hydrocarbons in a much better state for degradation as they pass through the effluent plant.

So all I have to do is change my degreasing products in the plant?

To gain the best results we would also recommend the addition of Hydrobreak into the effluent plant.

How would I do this?

The best way to do this is by using a dosing pump at the inlet point to the effluent plant.

Will this lead to an immediate reduction on my free oil and greases discharges?

Initially it should be expected to see a rise in these levels, this is quite normal as the introduction of Hydrobreak will clean out the system.

How long will this rise continue?

The rise should only occur for a short period of time as the system is cleaned.

What sort of reduction should I look for?

A free oil and grease reduction of 50% is possible, this is providing everything else in the system is functioning efficiently.

Can you provide technical assistance for dealing with effluent systems?

Technosol have a network of organizations with which we have professional relationship who specialize in effluent treatment who will be able to offer technical support and assistance.

Is continued on the next page.

Technosol Ltd.
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